NorthShore Slavery


TAILER, Deborah, and Robin Mingo, "negro slave to Thomas Woodbery, were after Legal Publishment and Deborah's Promise before me to live with her said Husband's master and mistris so long as her Husband, Mingo, lived, and then to Be dismissed with only two sutts of apparil sutable for such a Person, whereon Said Thomas Woodbery Did consent and agree to thair said marriage, and so thay ware Joyned Together," June 20, 1707.


MINGO, Robin, "slave to Thomas Woodbery," and Deaborah Tailer, "Indian woman, were after Legal Publishment and Deborah's Promise before me to live with her said Husband's master and mistris so long as her Husband, Mingo, lived, and then to Be dismissed with only two sutts of apparil sutable for such a Person, whereon Said Thomas Woodbery Did consent and agree to thair said marriage, and so thay ware Joyned Together," June 20, 1707.

_____, Anthony, "ye freedman," and Emme Bramble of Nechowanick, int. Jan. 29, 1709-10.

_____, Anthony, "ye Freeman," and Mary Hall of Portsmouth, NH, int. May 15, 1715.

BURNUM, Dianna, and Salem Sepeo of Marblehead, Sept. 27, 1752.*

SEPEO, Salem, of Marblehead, and Dianna Burnum, Sept. 27, 1752.*

_____, Sarah, servant of, wid. Jane Stone, and Silas, servant of Jonath Phelps of Salem, int. July 1, 1753.

_____, Silas, servant of Jonath Phelps of Salem, and Sarah, servant of, wid. Jane Stone, int. July 1, 1753.

_____, Casto [Cato. int.], and Pell, both Servants to Ens. Joshua Herrick, Dec. 6, 1753.*

_____, Pell, and Casto [Cato. int.], both Servants to Ens. Joshua Herrick, Dec. 6, 1753.*

_____, Jethro, servant of Jeffrey Thistle, and Junio, servant of David Larkum, int. Feb. 1, 1756.

_____, Junio, servant to David Larkum, and Jethro, servant of Jeffry Thistle, int. Feb. 1, 1756.

_____, Seco, servant of Daniell King of Salem, and Nancy, servant of Capt. Benjamin Claves [Cleaves. int.], Apr. 23, 1756.*

_____, Ezabella, servant of George Dodg of Ipswich, and Peter, servant of Caleb Balch, int. Dec. 4, 1757.

_____, Peter, servant of Caleb Balch, and Ezabella, servant of George Dodg of Ipswich, int. Dec. 4, 1757.

_____, Kate, servant to Lt. Georg Herrick and Titas, servant to, wid. Jan Cleavs, Jan. 12, 1758.*

_____, Titas, servant to, wid. Jan Cleavs and Kate, servant to Lt. Georg Herrick, Jan. 12, 1758.*

_____, Cato, servant to Ens. Joshua Herrick, and Jemime, servant to, wid. Sarah Morgan, June 29, 1758.*

_____, Jemime, servant to, wid. Sarah Morgan and Cato, servant to Ens. Joshua Herrick, June 29, 1758.*

_____, Hazard [servant to John Gott. int.], of Wenham, and Judith [Juda, servant to, wid. Jerusha Dodge. int.], Nov. 23, 1758.*

_____, Judith [Juda, servant to, wid. Jerusha Dodge. int.], and Hazard, [servant to John Gott. int.], of Wenham, Nov. 23, 1758.*

SMALL, Tamson, servant to Capt. Peter Groves, and Ruben Tarrant, servant to Joshua Coombes of Marblehead, July 15, 1763.*

TARRANT, Ruben, servant to Joshua Coombes of Marblehead, and Tamson Small, servant to Capt. Peter Groves, July 15, 1763.*

_____, Nancy, servant to Osman Trask, and Sirus [Silas. int.], servant to Rev. Samuell Fisk of Salem, Aug. 4, 1763.*

_____, Sirus [Silas. int.], servant to Rev. Samuell Fisk of Salem, and Nancy, servant to Osman Trask, Aug. 4, 1763.*

_____, Cesar, "servant to Deacon Joshua Orne of Marblehead," and Flora, "servant to Ensn Samll Leech," int. Jan. 1, 1764.

_____, Flora, "servant to Ensn Samll Leech," and Cesar, "servant to Dean Joshua Orne of Marblehead," int. Jan. 1, 1764.

_____, Flora, "servant of the Wid. Presilah Corning," and Milon, "servant of Peter Ober," July 13, 1770.*

_____, Milon, "servant of Peter Ober," and Flora, "servant of the Wid. Presilah Corning," July 13, 1770.*

_____, Florah, "a Free Negro, resideing in Beverly," and Samson, servant of Capt. Caleb Dodge, int. July 7, 1771.

_____, Samson, servant of Capt. Caleb Dodge, and Florah, "a Free Negro resideing in Beverly," int. July 7, 1771.

_____, Cate, Servant of Mrs. Mary Woodberry [wid. int.], and Cato, Servant of [Dr. int.] Samuel Holten, jr., of Danvers, Sept. 13, 1771.*

_____, Cato, Servant of [Dr. int.] Samuel Holten, jr., of Danvers, and Cate, Servant of Mrs. Mary Woodberry [wid. int.], Sept. 13, 1771.*

_____, Ellenor, servant of Ens. Jonathan Batchelor, and Hector, servant of Capt. Robert Hale Ives, int. Nov. 10, 1771.

_____, Hector, servant of Capt. Robert Hale Ives, and Ellenor, servant of Ens. Jonathan Batchelor, int. Nov. 10, 1771.

_____, Dinah, lately servant of David Larcom, deceased, and Esop, servant of Joseph Gilman of Exeter, NH, int. Nov. 26, 1775.

_____, Esop, servant of Joseph Gilman of Exeter, NH, and Dinah, lately servant of David Larcom, deceased, int. Nov. 26, 1775.

_____, Dinah [Larcom. int.], and Milo [Michael Milon. int.], July 5, 1778. CR1*

_____, Milo [Michael Milon. int.], and Dinah [Larcom. int.], July 5, 1778. CR1*

_____, Cato [Stone. int.], and Tammuz [Tamazon Tarrant. int.], Aug. 24, 1779. CR1*

_____, Tammuz [Tamzon Tarrant. int.], and Cato [Stone. int.], Aug. 24, 1779. CR1*

GREEN, Cate [Mrs. int.], and Scipio Bartlet, Feb. 6, 1787.*

HERRICK, Titus, and Phillis Ward, July 17, 1787.*

WARD, Phillis [Mrs. int.], and Titus Herrick, July 17, 1787.*

FREEMAN, Peter, and [Mrs. int.] Dilly Lee [both residents of Beverly. int.], Oct. 11, 1787.*

LEE, Dilly [Mrs. int.], and Peter Freeman [both residents of Beverly. int.], Oct. 11, 1787.*

CHEEVER, Philis, and Samuel Gardner, both of Salem, Dec. 15, 1790.

GARDNER, Samuel, and Philis Cheever, both of Salem, Dec. 15, 1790.

RULOFF, London, and Dilly Page, late of Salem, Mar. 27, 1791.

_____, Venus, of Salem, and Scipio Freeman, at Salem, Oct. 2, 1791.*

_____, Reuben, and Rose Lovett, Feb. 25, 1794.*

LOVETT, Rose, and Reuben Larcom, Feb. 25, 1794.*

CAHALE, Violet, of Manchester, and John Robinson of Salem, Aug. 9, 1798. CR1

ROBINSON, John, of Salem, and Violet Cahale of Manchester, Aug. 9, 1798. CR1

HOOPER, Pompey, resident of Beverly [of Andover. int.], and Judith Paine, Sept. 6, 1798.*

PAINE, Judith, and Pompey Hooper, resident of Beverly [of Andover. int.], Sept. 6, 1798.*

FRANCIS, Rhonda, and Henry Thomson of Salem, July 21, 1799.*

THOMSON, Henry, of Salem, and Rhoda Francis, July 21, 1799.*

LARCOM, Chloe, and John Turner, resident of Beverly, Apr. 1, 1800.*

TURNER, John, resident of Beverly, and Chloe Larcom, Apr. 1, 1800.*

BARTLETT, Catharine, and Joseph Pedrick, 2d, Apr. 27, 1806.*

PEDRICK, Joseph, 2d, and Catharine Bartlett, Apr. 27, 1806.*

GREEN, Nancy, and Michael Millon [Mishael Milon. int.], May 17, 1807.*

MILLON, Michael [Mishael Milon. int.], and Nancy Green, May 17, 1807.*

BOIN, Jack, and Elisabeth Richardson, Mar. 14, 1808.*

RICHARDSON, Elisabeth, and Jack Boin, Mar. 14, 1808.*

BARTLETT, Jane, and John Chadwick of Hamilton, Jan. 8, 1809.*

CHADWICK, John, of Hamilton, and Jane Bartlett, Jan. 8, 1809.*

ARNOLD, Robert, and Eliza Field, Aug. 16, 1838.*

FIELD, Eliza, and Robert Arnold, Aug. 16, 1838.*